What is Somatic Healing? body awareness mind-body connection nature's cycles in healing nervous system and stress overcoming burnout Mar 07, 2024

Welcome to a serene and insightful journey into the essence of somatic healing, a path that delicately intertwines the intuitive wisdom of our bodies with the nurturing rhythms of the natural world. Picture this as a graceful dance with the changing seasons, where each movement and turn brings us into a deeper understanding of our inner selves and the splendors of life around us. This journey is an invitation to discover the whispers of your body and the secrets held within the cycles of...

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How to Manage Burnout body awareness burnout mind-body connection nature nervous system and stress recovery trauma window of tolerance Jan 31, 2024

How do we rethink burnout? It's been traditionally viewed as mere exhaustion, but burnout is far more complex. It's a multifaceted phenomenon deeply rooted in our nervous system, going beyond simple tiredness to encompass a spectrum of physical, mental, and emotional states. This nuanced condition emerges from overwork and a sustained mismatch between our capacities and the demands placed upon us, both in personal and professional realms.


Let's explore how burnout intertwines with...

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